Is cash and delivery avilable
YES, COD Available, AND You can make online payment too
How many days it takes to deliver product
Usually it takes around 3 to 5 days max for the product you ordered
How do i get to know the status of product order
You will be sent a mail regrading tracking details of your product or you can check our website link track your orders
How to contact customer support regarding queries
Send mail to regarding your issue, we will reply or call you back to your number
Can i make online payment for the product
Yes , Razor payment is integrated on this website, you can make online payment,credit card payment ,net banking, gpay, phonepay, paytm are available etc
Fast shipping available
"Yes", for prepaid orders
How do i get refund and return product if product is not good
There is 3 Days return policy, you will get refund amount once our agent pickups the product after 3 days.Replacing the product is not available,you have to raise new order. OR contact via chat window.We are always happy to assist!!
send mail to :support@shoponez.com, your name ,order number, bank account number, ifsc code, bank name. Received product images.
Fast shipping
Usually delivery will be within 3 to 5 days max.You can check your where is your order with tracking link
About us
We are one of the leading Growing e-commerce website in India to sell the smart unique products , We provide Secure online payment and COD option to deliver the product within 3 to 5 days max to keep trust with customers on our website. Your feedback always help us to grow more,please do subscribe for new product updates and feel free to contact us on any time on sending an support@shoponez.com We will reply as soon as possible Made with love š®š³